This radio special first aired in October of 1990. It features a heartwarming movie about therapeutic sandal maven Dr. Gibaud, an appearance by obnoxious "movie trivia expert" Mel Frankiss, and ad for tapeworm medicine. The special is 23 minutes long. Here\\'s the entire list of sketches:

Comedy Classic


Kellog\\'s Cereal


Warmth - Part 1


Bell Salutes... Brothers


Warmth - Part 2


Bell Discounts


Warmth - Part 3


Bell Tele-Business


Murray Myron - Man of a Thousand Sounds


Comedy Classic 2


Kellog\\'s Cereal 2


Repeat What I Say


Games Games Games


Comedy Classic 3




Froo Froo The Talking Cat


Ned\\'s New Haircut


The Invention of the Dog